Monday, October 4, 2010

Vocabulary 1-4 Review Sentences

Please write and turn in 10 sentences with your 15 vocabulary words.  Your sentences must deal with anything European.  Due in class Wednesday, 10/6 and Thursday 10/7.

1 comment:

  1. Max Koga
    A2 lit

    Please write and turn in 10 sentences with your 15 vocabulary words.  Your sentences must deal with anything European.  Due in class Wednesday, 10/6 and Thursday 10/7.

    Personification - The eiffel tower points to the sky.
    Verisimilitude - it always reins in London.
    Connotation - mengele was the devil
    Hasidic - hasidic jews in Israel have strong conviction.
    Conviction -
    Anti-semitic - Mengele was Anti-semitic.
    Synagogue - France has many jewish people and many synagogues.
    Zionism - Israel is a new country in Europe created from Zionism.
    Indifferent - in WW2 France was Indifferent.
    Incite - hitler incited a hatred of jews.
