Monday, May 16, 2011

The Surrender Tree Blog # 1

A1/A2 - Wednesday, 5/18
B4 - Thursday, 5/19

Please respond to the following prompts in complete sentences.  2-4 sentences for each response should suffice.

1.  The poem on page 73 is frequently quoted to represent this book.  Stylistically, why is this example of Engle's poetry so representative of the book as a whole?  What makes it so powerful?

2.  What is almost ironic about calling a war "little"?

3.  What are the "reconcentration camps"?

4.  How is the relationship between Lt. Death and Rosa interdependent?

5.  How do the names of the Fox and the Lion represent their personalities?

6.  Pick one poem, write it down, and explicate it.